Welcome to the gradright lender's bidding portal. Please review the student profile and bid your offer.
Student Profile
Student ID: 1234678


Academic Details

Class 12th Boards

Class 12th Percentage

Bachelor's College

Bachelor's degree

No. of Backlogs

Bachelor's Score

Work Experience (in months)

Financial Details

Loan Amount requirement (In INR)

Saving ready to be invested (In INR)

Total Cost of the program (In INR)

Co-signer's Monthly Income ₹ 1,50,000

Co-Signer N/A

Co-Signer's Income Type N/A

Cosigner owns any house/apartment? Not Available

Cosigner has any obligations? Not Available

Additional Cosigners Not Available

Additional CoSigner's cumulative income(per month) Not Available

Permanent Address N/A

Any Collateral that you can put up as security against the education loan?


Total Value of all assets (In INR)

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